The server uses the Simple Voice Chat mod which adds proximity voice chat to Minecraft!

Step 1: Check the Keybinds


Chances are, the keybinds for mods will conflict at first. Make sure that the keybind for the Voice Chat GUI.

Step 2: Open the GUI


Use the keybind you chose to open the GUI. There you’ll find all the settings you’ll need for voice chat.

Step 3: Configure Mic and Speaker

Click Settings and the following menu will appear:


Next, click Select microphone or Select speaker to select the correct devices. Below is an example list of what appears when choosing a microphone.


There you go! Your settings will differ depending on how you use the mod. There is both push to talk and voice activated modes, just make sure your push to talk keybind is correct.

Set Up a Group

You can also set up groups! Group chats allow you to talk to players that are not in your vicinity.


To create a new group, just type a name in the text field and press the button next to it.

Creating or joining a group will bring you into the group chat interface. You will also see the heads of the group members in the top left corner of your screen. Talking players will be outlined. You can disable these icons by pressing the third button from the left.